Teaching Advanced Physics
The Teaching Advanced Physics (TAP) project gives ideas and resources for teaching physics to students aged 16 to 19 years old. It aims to help those new to teaching this age group, and assumes only a limited access to equipment, resources, and advice from experienced colleagues. It is not intended to constrain the development of other equally valid approaches. The resources may be downloaded and adapted according to your own requirements.
The material on this site labelled "IOP TAP" is sponsored by Gatsby Technical Education Projects (GTEP), and is copyright. It may be used within educational establishments free of charge, but it may not be reproduced for profit by any other organisation.
Most resources have been migrated over to this website - IOPSpark - from tap.iop.org but if you find any mistakes or missing content, please let us know via [email protected].
Each of the following topics are subdivided into a number of episodes. An episode represents a coherent section of teaching – perhaps one or two lessons. Each episode contains links to a number of activities.