Some students think the Earth is a sphere with the inside of the sphere being blue
Additionally, some may also think that we live inside the sphere. This misconception arises from seeing images of the Earth's shape.
Diagnostic Resources
The following worksheets may help to identify whether students hold this particular misconception.
For more information, see the University of York BEST website.
Resources to address this
The shape of the Earth (5-11)
This activity includes common unhelpful ideas about the Earth. You'll need to explore the idea that the Earth is spherical explicitly, drawing on the children's ideas to challenge and develop their views.
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Early ideas about the solar system (11-14)
The history of how our view of the heavens changed is fascinating. This is a reconstruction, identifying some salient points useful for science lessons.
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Thales' model of the Universe (11-16)
The early Greek philosopher Thales, in about 600 BC, proposed a model to explain the daily motion of the stars. You can demonstrate it using an umbrella.
It will then be necessary to explore why this idea is not correct.
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- Trumper, R., () A cross-age study of junior high school students' conceptions of basic astronomy concepts, International Journal of Science Education, 23 (11) 1111-1123.
- Nussbaum, J., () Children’s Conceptions of the Earth as a Cosmic Body: A Cross Age Study, Science Education, 63, 83-93.
- Bryce, T. and Blown, E. J., () Children's Concepts of the Shape and Size of the Earth, Sun and Moon, International Journal of Science Education, 35 (3) 388-446.
- Vosniadou, S. and Brewer, W., () Mental Models of the Earth: A Study of Conceptual Change in Childhood, Cognitive Psychology.
- Straatemeier, M., van der Maas, H. L. J., Jansen, B. R. J., () Children’s knowledge of the earth: A new methodological and statistical approach Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 100, 276–296.