Some students have an understanding of how a reflective object interacts with light and the eye, but not unreflective objects
Diagnostic Resources
The following worksheets may help to identify whether students hold this particular misconception.
Resources to Address This
Seeing with light (5-11)
Ref - SPT HS01 PN02
This resource looks at luminous and non-luminous objects.
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Reflection from any surface (11-14)
Ref - SPT Li03 TL02
Start your teaching with the reflection of light from plane mirrors to establish the law of reflection, then move on to diffuse reflection from irregular surfaces. Emphasise that the law of reflection of individual rays of light applies to both regular and diffuse reflection.
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The following studies have documented this misconception:
- Wenham, E. J. and Guesne, E. () The Place of Optics in Physics Teaching - Children's Ideas about Light. New Trends in Physics Teaching, IV, Paris, UNESCO publication,
- Eaton, J., Anderson, C.W. and Smith, E.L. () Students' misconceptions interfere with learning: case studies of fifth-grade students. Research Series 128, The Institute for Research on Teaching, Michigan State University.
- Tekos, G. and Solomonidou, C. () Constructivist Learning and Teaching of Optics Concepts Using ICT tools in Greek Primary School: A Pilot Study. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 18 (5),