Predict, then measure
This printable support was designed to be used in a teaching approach as a part of Supporting Physiscs Teaching. These three links give locations, of increasing focus, where you can find out more:
topic thread nuggetEffective use
There are three entangled threads in Supporting Physics Teaching, which come together as you prepare for this activity:
On Printing
The print preview button, above, will give an impression of the output. Full pagination will occur when you print: this resource is designed to be printed in portrait orientation on A4 paper( 1 plus 1 sheets). The final sheet will be a useful cover sheet that gives the context, address, and reminds you of the terms and conditions.
Terms and Conditions
These resources are for private and institutional use in teaching only. The files and their contents are not to be redistributed using any medium or republished on any public URL. You are free to encourage any other teachers of physics to get their own copy from here.