Resting Egg
Enrichment Activity for 5-11 11-14
What you need
- A broom
- A glass
- An egg
- A paper plate
- An empty toilet paper roll
- Fill the glass half-way with water and set it near the edge of a counter or table.
- Place the paper plate on top of the glass, with the edge of the plate slightly over the table edge. Stand the toilet paper roll in the middle of the plate, making sure that it's over the centre of the glass. Place the egg on the toilet roll.
- Stand with the broom next to the table edge, with the handle in front of the plate. Place one foot on the bristles, bend back slightly, then let go!
Results and Explanation
When the broom hits the plate, the plate and toilet roll are knocked away and the egg falls into the glass, because it is not moving sideways as the plate and toilet roll move away. Objects do not start to move in a given direction unless acted on by an external force in that direction.
These experiments have not been specifically safety tested for home use but we believe them to be safe if the instructions are followed. Adult supervision or direction is recommended as appropriate. All experiments are carried out at your own risk.