Questions on loops: electric current
Diagnostic Questions for 11-14
What the Activity is for
The diagnostic questions can be used to check the pupils' understanding of key ideas introduced in this episode.
What to Prepare
- copies of these three sheets
What Happens During this Activity
The questions might be used for homework or as the basis for discussion in class.
The Electric current at points
question asks about the relative size of the electric current at two points on either side of a bulb. Some pupils may think that the bulb must use up some of the current.
Battery and bulbquestion probes pupils' ideas about what is happening (unseen) inside the wires of a circuit.
Current motorquestion asks about the relative size of the electric current at two points on either side of a motor. Some pupils may think that a motor must use up some current (even if they think a bulb would not).
Download the support sheet / student worksheet for this activity.