Total Internal Reflection
Light, Sound and Waves

Pouring Light

Enrichment Activity for 5-11 11-14

What you need

  • A clear plastic bottle
  • A torch
  • Kitchen foil
  • Sticky tape
  • A dark room with a sink


  1. Wrap the bottle in kitchen foil, leaving the bottom bare
  2. Fill the bottle with water, switch on your torch and turn off the lights
  3. Shine the torch through the bottom of the bottle and start pouring the water into the sink. Keep the torch close to the bottle at all times

Results and Explanation

Almost all the light from the torch is reflected every time it hits the edge of the stream of water, so the light follows the path of the water and you see a spot of light where the water hits the sink.

These experiments have not been specifically safety tested for home use but we believe them to be safe if the instructions are followed. Adult supervision or direction is recommended as appropriate. All experiments are carried out at your own risk.


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