Newtonmeter question
Classroom Activity for 11-14
What the Activity is for
The purpose of this activity is to get pupils thinking and talking about forces. The question focuses on thinking about the force to support a load.
What to Prepare
- Copies of the support sheet, number of copies to suit the style of activity chosen (see below)
What Happens During this Activity
You might use a vertically hanging slinky as a teaser or starter:
Teacher: Why are the coils of my hanging slinky farther apart than those at the bottom?… No, don't answer straight off. We're going to have a look at a question together that'll help us to construct a good explanation.
Use the question to set up a discussion, using groups of 3 or 4.
The question can lead naturally into discussions about the tension in a rope, whether hanging or horizontal. Some useful ideas can be explored, for more confident pupils, by discussing the tension in the rope during a tug of war.
Download the support sheet / student worksheet for this activity.