Liquid Strength
Enrichment Activity for 5-11 11-14
What you need
- About 5 kg of cornflour
- Water
- A large bowl
- Find a place where it’s OK to get messy. Mix some of the cornflour and water together into a thick paste. Keep mixing until it’s ankle-deep
- Jump very suddenly onto the mixture. Try jumping on and off, or standing still
Results and Explanation
You shouldn't sink if you jump suddenly, but if you stand on it, you'll gradually sink.
The mixture is a special type of liquid that gets less runny when you stir it and turns solid if you hit it hard. The force of the impact makes the starch in the cornflour clump together so it supports your weight at first.
These experiments have not been specifically safety tested for home use but we believe them to be safe if the instructions are followed. Adult supervision or direction is recommended as appropriate. All experiments are carried out at your own risk.