Evidence and further reading
Physics Narrative for 11-14 14-16
Listed here is further evidence to consider as you decide how to teach various topics.
References available as open URL
These include some research reports, documented practice and teaching schemes
Nuffield Physics
- The O level project
Insightful books
The following books or chapters from collections of essays (restricted to physics education) influenced the general approach:
Amos, S. and Boohan, R.(2013): Teaching Science in Secondary Schools: A Reader. Taylor & Francis. Ch13.
Barlex, D. and Carre, C.(1985): Visual Communication in Science: Learning Through Sharing Images. Cambridge University Press.
Driver, R. (1983). The Pupil as Scientist? Milton Keynes, Open University Press.
Driver, R., Squires, A., Rushworth, P., and Wood-Robinson, V. (1994). Making Sense of Secondary Science. London, Routledge
Head, J.(1985): The Personal Response to Science. Cambridge University Press.
Jennison, B. and Ogborn, J.(1994): Wonder and Delight: Essays in Science Education in honour of the life and work of Eric Rogers 1902-1990. Taylor & Francis. Ch2.
Jennison, B. and Ogborn, J.(1994): Wonder and Delight: Essays in Science Education in honour of the life and work of Eric Rogers 1902-1990. Taylor & Francis. Ch4.
Knight, R.D.(2002): Five Easy Lessons: Strategies for Successful Physics Teaching. Addison Wesley.
Kress, G. and van Leeuwen, T.(2001): Multimodal Discourse. Arnold.
Mazur, E.(2013): Peer Instruction: A User's Manual. Pearson.
Ogborn, J(2008): Advancing Physics A2. Institute of Physics Publishing.
Ogborn, J(2008): Advancing Physics AS. Institute of Physics Publishing.
Ogborn, J. & Al(2010): Explaining Science in the Classroom. Taylor & Francis.
Osborne, R., and Freyberg, P. (1985). Learning in Science. Auckland, Heinemann
Redish, E.F.(2003): Teaching Physics with the Physics Suite CD. Wiley.
Sutton,C(1992): Words, science and learning. Open University Press.
Tytler, R. and Prain, V. and Hubber, P. and Waldrip, B.(2013): Constructing Representations to Learn in Science. SensePublishers.
Viennot, L.(2007): Reasoning in Physics: The Part of Common Sense. Springer.
Viennot, L.(2014): Thinking in Physics: The pleasure of reasoning and understanding. Springer.
White, R.T. and Gunstone, R.F.(1991): Probing Understanding. Falmer Press.
Insightful books
McDermott, L.C., Shaffer, P.S., Rosenquist, M.L., and the Physics Education Group at the University of Washington (1996): Physics by Inquiry. Volume II. New York: Wiley. p.383-494.
Research articles
These may well be behind paywalls, or only available in physical form.
McDermott, L.C., & Shaffer, P.S. (1992). Research as a guide for curriculum development: An example from introductory electricity. Part I: Investigation of student understanding. American Journal of Physics, 60, 994-1003.
McDermott, L.C., & Shaffer, P.S. (1992). Research as a guide for curriculum development: An example from introductory electricity. Part II: Design of instructional strategies. American Journal of Physics, 60, 1003-1013.
Insightful books
Peter J. Fensham,P.F., Gunstone,R.F., White, R.T. (Eds)(1994):The Content of Science: A Constructivist Approach to Its Teaching and Learning. Falmer press. Ch6.
References available as open URL
How substance-based ontologies for gravity can be productive: A case study
Nuffield Advanced Science: Physics
- the original little red books, see espscially unit 9
Revised Nuffield Advanced Physics
- revised edition of the A level, see especially units K and G
Insightful books
Peter J. Fensham,P.F., Gunstone,R.F., White, R.T. (Eds)(1994):The Content of Science: A Constructivist Approach to Its Teaching and Learning. Falmer press.Ch14.
Peter J. Fensham,P.F., Gunstone,R.F., White, R.T. (Eds)(1994):The Content of Science: A Constructivist Approach to Its Teaching and Learning. Falmer press.Ch17.
Learning in Science Project (LISP) (Energy). (1989). Energy for a change. Hamilton. University of Waikato, Centre for Science and Mathematics Education Research.
Boohan, R. and Ogborn, J.(1996): Energy and Change. Association for Science Education
Kirwan, D.F.(1987): Energy Resources in Science Education: Science and Technology Education and Future Human Needs. Pergamon. Chs1-4.
Driver, R. and Millar, R.(1986): Energy Matters: Proceedings. University of Leeds.
McDermott, L.C., Shaffer, P.S., Rosenquist, M.L., and the Physics Education Group at the University of Washington (1996): Physics by Inquiry. Volume I. New York: Wiley. p.163-202.
Research articles
Goldring, H. and Osborne, J., 1994. Students’ difficulties with energy and related concepts. Physics Education, 29(26)
Mclldowie, E., 1995. Energy transfer—where did we go wrong? Physics Education, 30(228)
Britton, P., 2001. Naming the energy parts] Physics Education, 36(36)
Boohan, R. and Ogborn, J., 1996. Differences, energy and change: a simple approach through pictures. School Science Review, 78(283) 17
Millar, R., 2014. Teaching about energy: from everyday to scientific understandings. School Science Review, 96(354), pp.45-50.
Lawrence, I., 2007. Teaching energy: thoughts from the SPT11–14 project. Physics Education, 42(4), p.402.
Ellse, M., 1988. Transferring Not Transforming Energy. School Science Review, 69(248), pp.427-37.
Williams, G. and Reeves, T., 2003. Another go at energy. Physics education, 38(2), p.150.
Tracy, C., 2014. Energy in the New Curriculum: An Opportunity for Change. School Science Review, 96(354), pp.51-61.
Earth in Space
Insightful books
McDermott, L.C., Shaffer, P.S., Rosenquist, M.L., and the Physics Education Group at the University of Washington (1996): Physics by Inquiry. Volume I. Wiley. p.325-373.
McDermott, L.C., Shaffer, P.S., Rosenquist, M.L., and the Physics Education Group at the University of Washington (1996): Physics by Inquiry. Volume II. Wiley. p.787-817.
References available as open URL
Synopsis: A force by any other name…
- Misconceptions about force and motion are often rooted in everyday experiences. Understanding this link may help teachers better communicate with physics students.
Force, ontology, and language
- a linguistic framework to interpret students’ understanding of and reasoning about force and motion.
Insightful books
Peter J. Fensham,P.F., Gunstone,R.F., White, R.T. (Eds)(1994):The Content of Science: A Constructivist Approach to Its Teaching and Learning. Falmer press.Ch17.
Research articles
Savinainen, A & Philip Scott,P(2002): Using the Force Concept Inventory to monitor student learning and to plan teaching. Phys. Educ. 37 p.53
References available as open URL
Nuffield Advanced Science: Physics
- the original little red books, see especially unit 8
Revised Nuffield Advanced Physics
- revised edition of the A level, see especially unit J
Research articles
Andersson, B., & Bach, F. (2005). On designing and evaluating teaching sequences taking geometrical optics as an example. Science Education, 89, 196–218.
Lawrence,I( 2008): Sounding off and lighting up. Physics Education 43 62
Insightful books
Millar R, Leach J, Osborne J and Ratcliffe M(2006): Research and practice in education Improving Subject Teaching: Lessons from Research in Science Education ed R Millar (London: Routledge) pp 3–23
McDermott, L.C., Shaffer, P.S., Rosenquist, M.L., and the Physics Education Group at the University of Washington (1996): Physics by Inquiry. Volume I. Wiley. p.255-259.
McDermott, L.C., Shaffer, P.S., Rosenquist, M.L., and the Physics Education Group at the University of Washington (1996): Physics by Inquiry. Volume II. Wiley. p.639-648.
Research articles
Shaffer, P.S., & McDermott, L.C.(2005). A research-based approach to improving student understanding of the vector nature of kinematical concepts. American Journal of Physics, 73, 921-931.
Savinainen, A et al (2013): Teaching and evaluation materials utilizing multiple representations in mechanics Phys. Educ. 48 372
Research articles
Lawrence,I( 2008): Sounding off and lighting up. Physics Education 43 62
Electricity and energy
Insightful books
McDermott, L.C., Shaffer, P.S., Rosenquist, M.L., and the Physics Education Group at the University of Washington (1996): Physics by Inquiry. Volume II. New York: Wiley. p.383-533.
Research articles
McDermott, L.C., & Shaffer, P.S. (1992). Research as a guide for curriculum development: An example from introductory electricity. Part I: Investigation of student understanding. American Journal of Physics, 60, 994-1003
McDermott, L.C., & Shaffer, P.S. (1992). Research as a guide for curriculum development: An example from introductory electricity. Part II: Design of instructional strategies. American Journal of Physics, 60, 1003-1013.
Force and motion
References available as open URL
Nuffield Advanced Science: Physics
- the original little red books, see espscially unit 4
Revised Nuffield Advanced Physics
- revised edition of the A level—see especially unit D
Insightful books
McDermott, L.C., Shaffer, P.S., Rosenquist, M.L., and the Physics Education Group at the University of Washington (1996): Physics by Inquiry. Volume II. Wiley. p.639-786.
Research articles
McDermott, L.C., Shaffer, P.S., & Somers, M.D. (1994). Research as a guide for teaching introductory mechanics: An illustration in the context of the Atwood’s machine. American Journal of Physics, 62, 46-55.
Savinainen, A et al (2013): Teaching and evaluation materials utilizing multiple representations in mechanics Phys. Educ. 48 372
Wong,D. et al (2011): Learning with multiple representations: an example of a revision lesson in mechanics . Phys. Educ. 46 p.178
Shaffer, P.S., & McDermott, L.C.(2005). A research-based approach to improving student understanding of the vector nature of kinematical concepts. American Journal of Physics, 73, 921-931.
Radiations and radiating
References available as open URL
Nuffield Advanced Science: Physics
- the original little red books, see espscially unit 5&8
Revised Nuffield Advanced Physics
- revised edition of the A level, see especially unit F and J
Research articles
Lawrence,I( 2008): Sounding off and lighting up. Physics Education 43 62