Early career teaching CPD videos

CPD for 11-14 14-16 16-19 IOP RESOURCES

The videos below aim to help you get the most from your first years of teaching, offering support in physics pedagogy, subject knowledge, inclusion, and more.



Maths in Physics

Maths and language
Teaching and learning
Some issues with algebra

Assessment in Physics

Types of assessment

Inclusion in Physics

Inclusive teaching techniques
Science capital teaching approach
Participation in physics

Misconceptions in Physics

Addressing misconceptions: thought experiments and refutation texts
Addressing misconceptions: bridge analogies and systems thinking

Practical Work in Physics

Purpose and attention
Pragmatic considerations and planning

Cognitive Load

Introduction and application to physics teaching
Classroom strategies for problem solving
Using diagrams and images effectively

Literacy in Physics

Everyday words

Modelling in Physics

Modelling for a purpose

Sequencing Lessons

Sequencing in a lesson
Sequencing lessons across a topic
Maths and language

Mark explores the challenges with using mathematical language and considers how the language of units can improve students' understanding of physics.

Teaching and learning

Mark tackles the issues both students and teachers face when dealing with maths in physics.

Some issues with algebra

Mark weighs up the pros and cons of different algebra methods including the triangle method, function machines and the balance method.

Types of assessment

Daisy introduces different types of assessment and what they are used for.


Daisy explains how we can use questions to deconstruct preconceived ideas and rebuild the correct ones, as well as how to use summative assessment in a formative way.


Daisy looks at effective feedback strategies, including using meaningful comments and targeted practical work feedback.

Inclusive teaching techniques

Saša elaborates on some inclusive teaching tips, giving advice, examples and considerations.

Science capital teaching approach

Daisy demonstrates how to increase engagement and participation through relating the content to students' everyday lives.

Participation in physics

Daisy identifies some barriers to participation and explores approaches to tackle these, such as making the physics relevant.

Misconceptions introduction

Carole explains what misconceptions are and gives an overview of strategies for preventing and addressing them.

Addressing misconceptions: thought experiments and refutation texts

Carole details a way to address misconceptions in students using a common example in forces.

Addressing misconceptions: bridge analogies and systems thinking

Carole explores two helpful strategies for preventing misconcpetions which utilise scaffolded modelling and metacognition.

Purpose and attention

James considers procedural and conceptual demand and explains, using examples, how we can steer students along in practical lessons.


James describes different research ideas and how they can be used in practical lessons, including linking the domain of ideas to the domain of observable things.

Pragmatic considerations and planning

James demonstrates how to use the ideas from the previous two videos in practical lesson planning.

Introduction and application to physics teaching

Ben explores how cognitive load applies to physics teaching.

Classroom strategies for problem solving

Ben details different strategies you can use in your classroom to support your learners become better problem solvers.

Using diagrams and images effectively

Ben describes how using images affects cognitive load and how to use them more effectively in your classroom

Everyday words

Daisy explores physics-specific, common language words, providing examples of incorrect uses and the correct way to tackle these.


Daisy highlights some techniques we can use to help students develop good physics explanations.


Daisy looks at how we use language to express relationships and laws in physics.

Modelling: introduction

Ian discusses the misconceptions students hold around models in physics.

Modelling for a purpose

Ian describes ways to help students choose the right model for a particular purpose.

Sequencing in a lesson

Alessio and Sue explore the different areas to consider when sequencing a lesson, providing an exemplar outline

Sequencing lessons across a topic

Eleanor and David delve into the medium term planning needed to deliver a short series of lessons

These videos have been produced as part of the Early Career Professional Learning (ECPL) programme, which offers targeted support for early career teachers.

Further reading


Teachers of Physics Awards

The Teachers of Physics Award celebrates the success of secondary school physics teachers who have raised the profile of physics and science in schools. Nominations for 2025 are now open.

Start your nomination now