Cosmic latte
Stories from Physics for 11-14 14-16
Researchers have attempted to determine a ‘cosmic colour’ by averaging the frequency of light emitted by 200,000 galaxies within 2 billion light years of the Earth. Though the researchers initially reported the mean colour was somewhere between turquoise and aquamarine, a bug in their software caused a miscalculation and they subsequently reported the new average is beige — a colour sometimes referred to as ‘cosmic latte’. You can experience ‘cosmic latte’ on the NASA website apod/ap091101.html
E. Samuel, The Universe is not turquoise – it’s beige, 7th March, 2002, New Scientist Website, Daily News,
R. Nemirodd, & J. Bonnell, Astronomy Picture of the Day, The Average Color of the Universe, 1st November, 2009, NASA, Image Credit: K. Glazebrook,I. Baldry.