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Astronomy and Space Videos
This resource contains 9 videos which discuss different topic within astronomy and space.
for 11-14
The purpose of this resource is to support the teaching of astronomy and space to 11-16 year olds. This resource contains a series of astronomy and space videos to introduce students to the wonders of the universe. There are also a series of classroom demonstrations with supporting film clips and a variety of additional teaching resources such as simulations to help students visualise tides.
This resource contains 9 videos which discuss different topic within astronomy and space.
Models of the Solar System
Physics teacher and solar astronomer Simon Foster explores how we developed our understanding of the universe and uses our changing models of the Solar System to explain how science works. On location on top of a volcano in the Canary Islands, he visits state of the art telescopes to see how astronomers are pushing back the boundaries of our understanding of the cosmos.
Saturn and the Scale of the Solar System
Planetary scientist Sheila Kanani shows us the stunning images of Saturn and its moons taken from the Cassini spacecraft. She explains what we know about the planet, how far away it is and how it differs from the Earth.
Asteroids and Comets
Astronomer Jay Tate reveals the risks and dangers of an asteroid collision on the Earth and explains how our understanding of orbits allows us to track them. We also ask what we might do if we discover an asteroid or comet heading our way.
The Sun
Solar physicist Lucie Green reveals her lifelong fascination with our nearest star, and explains how space telescopes are allowing us to see it in greater detail than ever before. The latest solar missions reveal sunspots, solar flares, and coronal mass ejections, and Lucie explains exactly what effect such violent phenomena can have on our life on Earth.
The Life Cycle of Stars
Astronomer Tim O'Brien, from Jodrell Bank Observatory, explains how astronomers believe a star is born, lives and dies. He compares the life of stars like our Sun with much more massive stars, which can end their lives by creating supernovae, neutron stars and even black holes.
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Tim O'Brien and astrophysicist Chris North explain how astronomers use light from across the electromagnetic spectrum. We see how Jodrell Bank and the Herschel Space Observatory use radio waves and infra-red to reveal the hidden secrets of our universe.
Don Pollacco introduces us to SuperWASP, one of the most successful exoplanet finding instruments in the world. He explains just how we find planets orbiting other stars and how one day, we may study them for signs of life.
How Big is the Universe?
It is almost impossible for the human mind to grasp just how big the universe is, but astronomer Pete Edwards gives it his best shot. Along the way, he explains how astronomers have learned to measure the distance to the stars, using concepts such as parallax and redshift.
The Expanding Universe and the Big Bang
Pete Edwards and cosmologist Carlos Frenk explain why we think the universe started with a Big Bang and how it grew from almost nothing into the vast web of stars and galaxies we see all around us. They also reveal how at Durham University they are creating their own universe inside a supercomputer.
In this demonstration, a lamp and piece of paper are used to show how the light from the Sun is spread out more on the surface of the Earth when it strikes the Earth at an angle.
In this activity students use a lamp and piece of paper to show how the light from the Sun spreads out more when it strikes the Earth at an angle.
Apparatus and Materials
Teaching Notes
The demonstration shows that when light hits a surface at an angle it is spread out over a greater area than if it strikes the surface perpendicularly. Any energy transfer is therefore spread over a greater area.
In place of the card, a photocopied map could be used to make the demonstration look more like a part of the Earth's surface.
In this demonstration, a lamp, world globe and a strip of self-adhesive thermochromic plastic are used to show how the the surface temperate of the Earth varies according to the angle of the sunlight reaching it.
Attach thermochromic plastic to a globe to show that temperature in the UK depends on whether our hemisphere is tilted towards or away from the Sun.
Apparatus and Materials
Cut the thermochromic plastic into a strip and place it vertically on the globe next to the UK. Set the lamp-globe distance to ensure the thermochromic plastic strip shows a range of colours.
Teaching Notes
This demonstration tackles the common misconception that winter happens because the Sun is further away. Compare the UK (55°N) to a similar latitude south of the equator (eg Bouvet Island in the South Atlantic at 54°S) to emphasise that summer in the northern hemisphere corresponds to winter in southern, and vice versa,
Explain that you are turning the globe around for convenience. The direction in which the Earth’s rotation axis points doesn't really swap between summer and winter. Which hemisphere is leaning towards the Sun changes because of the Earth’s annual journey around the Sun.
Students identify corresponding seasons for northern and southern hemispheres.
A small white ball and light source are used to show how the phases of the Moon are created from the point of view of the Earth
A small white ball and light source are used to show how the phases of the Moon are created from the point of view of the Earth.
Apparatus and Materials
Health & Safety and Technical Notes
Read our standard health & safety guidance
Teaching Notes
A ball fixed to a hula hoop is used to model how the Moon’s inclined orbit to the Earth means we do not get a solar eclipse every month.
A ball fixed to a hula hoop is used to model how the Moon’s inclined orbit to the Earth means we do not get a solar eclipse every month.
Apparatus and Materials
Health & Safety and Technical Notes
Read our standard health & safety guidance
Teaching Notes
Demonstration: teaching about comets? Bring them to life in class with this memorable demonstration!
Teaching about comets? Bring them to life in class with this memorable demonstration!
Apparatus and Materials
For two comets...
Health & Safety and Technical Notes
Dry ice sublimes at -78°C and will cause serious skin burns on contact, but momentary contact is unlikely to be a problem.
Do not confine in a sealed container as it will explode.
10 kg of dry ice will produce 5 m3 of gas, raising the level of CO2 from 0.035% (natural) to safe-limit (USA) of 0.5% in a room 3 m high by 19 m on a side.
Make sure there is adequate ventilation, although if the dry ice is transported in a substantial expanded polystyrene box, little will sublime.
CO2 is heavier than air therefore pools at ground level.
In theory trapped gas could fracture the comet or cause it to split, but this has never been recorded.
Read our standard health & safety guidance
The essential ingredients are dry ice, sand and water. The other items represent the organic molecules thought to be present in a comet.
If it feels as if the comet will not bind into a snowball
, it is because you have not used enough water. There is a natural tendency not to want to use too much water for fear of evaporating all the dry ice.
Do this in a well-ventilated area. Wear safety spectacles and gardening gloves.
Teaching Notes
Orbits are usually elliptical, this demonstrates an easy way to draw elliptical orbits that could represent orbits of planets, asteroids and comets in the solar system.
Orbits are usually elliptical, this demonstrates an easy way to draw elliptical orbits that could represent orbits of planets, asteroids and comets in the solar system.
Apparatus and Materials
Health & Safety and Technical Notes
Read our standard health & safety guidance
Teaching Notes
This demonstration is an easy way to show how gas molecules in the atmosphere scatter light to cause the sky to appear blue.
This demonstration is an easy way to show how gas molecules in the atmosphere scatter light to cause the sky to appear blue.
Apparatus and Materials
Health & Safety and Technical Notes
Read our standard health & safety guidance
Teaching Notes
Some digital cameras are sensitive to wavelengths of light that we cannot see with our eyes. This simple demonstration shows that an ordinary camera on a mobile phone can “see” the invisible infrared light emitted by a television (or other) remote control.
Some digital cameras are sensitive to wavelengths of light that we cannot see with our eyes. This simple demonstration shows that an ordinary camera on a mobile phone can “see” the invisible infrared light emitted by a television (or other) remote control.
Apparatus and Materials
Health & Safety and Technical Notes
Read our standard health & safety guidance
Teaching Notes
Using a variable resistor and a light bulb, it is possible to demonstrate how the colour of a star is related to its temperature.
Using a variable resistor and a light bulb, it is possible to demonstrate how the colour of a star is related to its temperature.
Apparatus and Materials
Health & Safety and Technical Notes
Read our standard health & safety guidance
Teaching Notes
How to illustrate the life cycle of stars using a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, a large sheet, and some students.
Practical Activity for 11-14
How to illustrate the life cycle of stars using a HertzsprungRussell diagram, a large sheet, and some students.
Apparatus and Materials
Health & Safety and Technical Notes
Read our standard health & safety guidance
Teaching Notes
Using a group of students as light waves, it is easy to show how light can be red and blue shifted when astronomical objects are moving relative to one another.
Using a group of students as light waves, it is easy to show how light can be red and blue shifted when astronomical objects are moving relative to one another.
Apparatus and Materials
Health & Safety and Technical Notes
Read our standard health & safety guidance
Teaching Notes
This is a discussion activity to explore the relationship between ideas and evidence in the context of the motion of the Earth.
What the Activity is for
This is a discussion activity to explore the relationship between ideas and evidence in the context of the motion of the Earth.
What to Prepare
What Happens During this Activity
Tell the pupils that some ideas, like the explanation for day and night, seem reasonably straightforward. But how do we know that it is the spinning motion of the Earth which causes day and night? How else could day and night be explained? What evidence is there to support either idea?
Download the support sheet/student worksheet for this activity.
Class practical: observations of the stars, planets and the Moon for students to make.
Class practical
Observations of the stars, planets and the Moon for students to make.
Apparatus and Materials
Health & Safety and Technical Notes
Caution students about where and when (and with whom) they make their observations of the night sky, so that they do not put themselves at risk. If appropriate, inform parents/guardians.
Read our standard health & safety guidance
Teaching Notes
This experiment was safety-tested in April 2007
Download the IOP's publication on choosing a telescope.
Choosing a telescope for a school - Dr Paul Roche, National Schools' Astronomer.pdfThree zip files containing different resources to aid in the teaching of astronomy and space.
This file contains a number of different simulations which can be run in your browser. They may require Flash and/or Java to be installed. There are also some accompaying PowerPoint presentations.
Simulations and Powerpoint presentations
LTImage is a programme that can be downloaded on to your computer. Also included are a number of example tasks accompanying teaching notes and/or PowerPoint presentations. The exercises are:
These are a series of small images that combine to make a large mosaic of the moon. The Moonsaic Notes provide instructions for using these mosaics in the classroom. There are 4 sets of Moonsaic images in the moonsaic folder. You will need to load these images in to some image viewing software and print them out. Note that this will use up lots of black ink. For example, Windows Picture and Fax Viewer will allow you to print out the images for each moonsaic. Make sure that you don't select a type of printing that crops the image -otherwise the pieces will not fit together.
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