Accumulating: from resultant force to displacement
Physics Narrative for 14-16
Going all the way
In this episode you've concentrated on the relationships between the measures of motion, exploring the connections between acceleration, velocity and displacement.
- Acceleration accumulates velocity.
- Velocity accumulates displacement.
In the first episode you concentrated on the causes of motion – that is, what got things going and otherwise changed their motion: A resultant force causes a change in motion.
These eight words imply a lot of understanding: the whole of the SPT: Forces topic and the whole of the SPT: Motion topic are needed to really understand the phrase. Physics may be simple but it is quite subtle.
- Force causes acceleration.
- Mass impedes acceleration.
Now we simply put the three together to get a very powerful synthesis: a way of building predictive models of the world that are very reliable guides to action.
- forcemass sets acceleration
- Acceleration accumulates velocity.
- Velocity accumulates displacement.